World Cup Skiing Snow Queen Trophy
The Assignment
The Audi FIS Ski World Cup – Snow Queen Trophy is an annual competition staged by the Croatian Ski Federation in Zagreb. Attracting more than 150 of the world’s best male and female slalom skiers, the event is held each year on the picturesque slopes of Sljeme, a ski resort which is a short drive from the city.
Zagreb is the only capital city to host World Cup skiing and 2017 marked the 11th season for the event –the only competition in the skiing calendar where the winners are crowned ‘Snow King’ and ‘Snow Queen’. The atmosphere surrounding the races at Sljeme is unique and immensely popular with slalom skiers and the tens of thousands of visitors who attend.
The event requires a temporary village to be created to accommodate press, guests and VIPS at several locations on the mountain. Neptunus is the preferred supplier appointed to handle this prestigious and challenging assignment.

The Solution
Neptunus supplied a wide range of buildings including three double-decker structures, two of these was for VIP hospitality and the third housed general hospitality with catering on the upper floor. A further 12 temporary structures (Aluhalls, Apollos, Fiesta and Pluto’s) were erected at various locations on the mountainside to accommodate additional catering facilities, Media Room, cloakrooms, entrances and walkways. All structures included flooring.
Neptunus adapted its build schedule to keep costs down for the client and to make the most of the weather conditions. The first build phase was undertaken whilst there was no snow on the ground. Equipment was delivered on small vehicles to the various sites and the main frame constructions were installed. During this build phase there was no need for power and heating. Phase two took place in mid-December when the structures were enclosed with roofs and walls and internal fit-out and climate control fitted.
The Challenge
Imagine having to build over 4,200 square metres of temporary structures including double-deckers on a mountain ledge, and far from any habitation, in the winter. Although Neptunus’ highly skilled technicians are used to working in demanding locations, this project poses the ultimate challenge with structures being built in close proximity to exposed edges and sheer drops. Naturally our builders always wear safety equipment which is absolutely essential, particularly in this sort of environment.

Our technicians faced additionally challenges further up the slope where the second floor of a hospitality double-decker facility needed to be built partially on scaffolds because of the steep surface – and this facility is constructed right on the edge of the mountain side.
As the mountain roads are not suitable for large articulated lorries, equipment was delivered to the various build sites in smaller vehicles and manually maneuvered into position – taking great care when working alongside the edge of the mountain. Much of the build activity was undertaken in very cold, wintry weather – a further test for technicians to overcome.
The Verdict
Vedran Pavlek, General Manager of the Organising Committee for the Audi FIS Ski World Cup, said he was delighted to have found a partner to take on the challenge.
“For ten years Neptunus has been a key partner to The Croatian Ski Association in organising the Audi FIS Ski World Cup – Snow Queen Trophy. Neptunus provide us with structures of the highest quality, particularly for our VIP hospitality and catering facilities. Guests enjoy a unique experience in comfortable surroundings with top quality service. Neptunus’ professionalism and experience over the past decade have set the company apart from their competitors and they continue to be an important, reliable supply partner.”